Tuesday, February 23, 2021

TSOT challenge 495

It’s always sad when we have to make a sympathy card. Thought this would be a nice generic card that I could use for sympathy, or something else if I chose to. This will go in my slot with no sentiment on it and I can add that when I need to use the card.  
I did a lot of masking on this one. I cut a mask for each one of the elements flower, leaf, and butterfly, If you’ve never done any masking like this it takes a little bit of pre-planning. You have to stamp what you want in the front first and then mask it off before you Stamp the next piece. It makes for a really nice card you should try it send me a picture in the comments below.
I guess I’m just not really a big bow person on a card. And I wanted to put the flower down low so that takes the place of my bow. How would you look at this sketch and interpret it, let us see, will be waiting. Thanks for stopping by I hope you have a wonderful day.


Optional Theme: Sympathy

This is a throwback challenge.

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