Saturday, June 23, 2012

Post - it -note holder

durable!!!  duct tape binding, velcroc closure, cardboard covered with dsp paper for front and back covers.

Friday, June 22, 2012

I had some ladies come today to get their new catalog and they made this card.

serene lake

I decided I wanted to do a little sponging and create scenic card.
1. first I used the brayer to lay down a light coat of bashful blue
2. I then used a post it note to mask off the lower part of the card and sponged some so saffron and a little sahara sand close to the post it note.
3. used a sponge dauber to add just a little basic gray to the edge of the post it note
4. removed the post it note and ripped a little off both sides to crealt the hills, then put post it not on covering the sky and sponged in the basic gray for the hills.
5. added a little more blue to the water and some gray
6. used the white uniball and basic gray marker to add some waave lines in the water
7. stamped the leafy looking stamp on the bottom then sponged a little basic gray for depth
8. layed and decorated the card to finish
Hope you like this my very FIRST post have a great day!!

Just because cards

 I have been wanting to use some of my Art Impression Stamps lately and decided that today was the day. I used a new set, It’s one of the wa...