Saturday, October 10, 2020

Joy of Sets Blog Hop - Harvest

 I was so glad to be able to Eek out some time to take part in this months Blog Hop with the theme Harvest.  That is exactly what I have been doing with my garden for the last few months, Canning and Freezing all that is in the garden.

  My husband and I were able to go on a mini vacation last month  to Holmes County, while there  we saw a few corn shocks in the Amish fields.  It was a nice time and we enjoyed the time away from all our responsibilities.  I had good help staying with my mother-in-law and just left all the chores that didn't get done before we left -at home, You know for some reason  they were waiting for us when we got home 3 days later!! 

I made a "note pad" holder for someone.  There is a post it note pad inside and I used to have pens that fit in these mini tins, but I couldn't find any so must have used them all.  I sold these at a craft fair years ago, they were well liked.

There are 16 of us participating, a good number. Jumping around won't take you to long so go grab a cup of coffee or tea or soda.... and enjoy!!!

When you leave here you will go to Susan Webster- either click her name here or down below - sorry I can't figure out how to get her blog connected with this next button 😡

Next Blog Graphic for the Joy of Sets Blog Hop | March 2020


Angie McKenzie

Annette Ball

Narelle Fasulo

Lisa Mackey

                                                                     Fiona Whitehead

Mo Rootes

Tricia Butts

Gez Carpenter

JoAnn Pollock

Libby Fens

Rochelle Laird-Smith

Vicki Milyard - YOU ARE HERE

Susan Webster

Jill Chapman

Rebecca-Jo Unwin

Brenda Nelson


  1. That's clever... now my I have some new ideas for winter stocking stuffer gifts!

  2. What a wonderful gift idea - thanks for the inspiration! Your trip to Amish country was truly amazing, I'm sure. We love to visit Shipshewana whenever we're in Indiana. x

  3. Lovely project, I always make post it gift for my boys as they are always handy on their desks at work ....not that they are working the office right now! Even more handy in their home office that used to be our dinning room!

  4. Wonderful Fall project idea. Love your design. Thanks for sharing.

  5. What a cute and clever idea! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Cute idea Vicky - glad to see you back crafting again

  7. I love the scene you have created


Just because cards

 I have been wanting to use some of my Art Impression Stamps lately and decided that today was the day. I used a new set, It’s one of the wa...