Tuesday, August 2, 2022

TSOT 567. Plants

 Oh my goodness, I just about missed putting a card up. I’ve been so busy visiting family out of town and getting everything from the garden put up that it just hit me today Monday and I hadn’t put my card on yet. So I saw this sketch and the theme and my plan was to use this bigger stamp as a type of background.  Adding plants over and around  it but it just wasn’t working out. So I decided to just follow the theme. I have quite a bit I need to get done before My sister returns to visit before she flies home to Florida. I have a card class coming up which I am not ready for!!!  I hope you all will forgive me for not using the sketch. I really did want to try something with this one as it is so unique. the others on the design team did such a great job with it. I hope to see something that you did with it. I might try to work with the sketch some other time and put something up on my blog it intrigues me and I’d like to see what I could do with it when I have more time to sit down and think about it. Thanks for stopping bye and I hope you have a wonderful day.

This type of card is called a monochromatic card that means you use one color scheme with your neutrals. I kind of liked keeping it simple.  My sister will enjoy this she’s a lover of green, bike ride or a walker, has many plants sitting outside her door. I thought of her when I saw it and I decided she will be the recipient of this card.  Sometimes it’s nice to keep things simple, and then know exactly who to send the card to. 


Optional Theme: Plants


Optional Theme: Polka Dots

1 comment:

  1. Vicki, your sister will love the card! I hope you have a wonderful time together before she returns to Florida! -Donna


Just because cards

 I have been wanting to use some of my Art Impression Stamps lately and decided that today was the day. I used a new set, It’s one of the wa...