Our theme this week is... Thank you
I’ve been thinking lately how getting a personal thank you card in the mail is so not done anymore and I believe it’s a shame!! Everyone needs a thank you and encouragement for feeling appreciated-a hasty text just doesn’t cut it!! Sending more thank you cards is something I know I need to do, how about you? Here’s a way to get at least one card done for someone who did something special or just IS someone special to you. The personal touch of making a card is so special.
Sooo let’s get out some supplies and make a card-are you with me😊 ?
I was in the creative mood and decided not to follow the sketch but center the card on the suggested theme. I’ve been playing around with the alcohol blends/Vellum technique for backgrounds and that’s what I used behind the sail boat and lighthouse. If you have any questions on this just leave it in the comments and I’ll try to answer.
Have a lovely day. Can you believe it’s almost August!!!!?!!!