Saturday, June 13, 2020

Splish Splash - The Joy Of Sets June blog hop

Hello and I hope you’re having a wonderful day it’s a lovely day here in Ohio.   I think these little ducks are are having a grand time splish splashing in this pond !! I enjoyed using them to create this card,  I’ve had the stamp set for a while and I’ve never used it, it immediately came to my mind when I saw our theme. Are you going to be doing any Splish splashing this summer?  The grandchildren have been enjoying their little pool at my sons house.
 Quite a few products and different companies were used to make this card, so if anyone’s interested in a particular technique they see or item just leave me a comment and I’ll try to get back with you on what it is that I used or how I did it. Hasn’t everyone in the hop done a superb job? Oh you haven’t seen them all? Better get to hopping, no splashing allowed computers and phone wouldn’t appreciate the water. 😀. we all love to know what you’re thinking about what we’ve done. Maybe you could try making a card with the theme Splish splash. Now it’s time to hop on over to Brenda Nelson s’ blog to see what she’s created!                    click her name   Brenda Nelson    (can't get button below to work)
                                                              Next Blog Graphic for the Joy of Sets Blog Hop | March 2020                                   


  1. really cute little duckies.. :) thanks for sharing

  2. An adorable card, loving those sweet little ducks x

  3. So cute! And so appropriate for the theme.

  4. I love this fun scene you've created Vikki - such darling little ducklings. Thanks for joining in with the Joy of Sets Blog Hop

  5. LOVE, love, love this adorable card!!! Thanks for the inspiration. It's always a pleasure to hop with you, Vicki! x

  6. I like it. Quack, quack! Really cute. Thanks for sharing.


Just because cards

 I have been wanting to use some of my Art Impression Stamps lately and decided that today was the day. I used a new set, It’s one of the wa...